
Showing posts from May, 2020

types of blackholes

  TYPES OF BLACKHOLES: 1: STELLAR BLACKHOLES. 2:MASSVE BLACKHOLES. 3:ULTRA MASSIVE BLACKHOLES.   1.stellar blackholes : these type of blackholes are very small and it is located entire galaxy some lakhs of stellar blackholes are present in the galaxy. some restrictions are prohibited to form this type of blackhole atleast 20 times bigger than our sun and 100 times of heavier mass than our sun,if its less than 100times of suns mass its known as miniature blackhole . we know that the blackhole is known for heaver mass,gravity depends upon mass. these are very small but it is very dangerous,because it's count is in lakhs.


                                                    Blackholes is known for heavymass&density to its core, even light cant escape from blackhole.  A star produces a energy through nuclear reaction or nuclear fission, combineing the atoms like hydrogen (H)and helium(he) 2H atoms 1he atoms will combine an enormous amount of energy is released (chaining process) .    After extinction of gases distractions occured from star,mass does not change but the density of star will be change. First image of a blackhole messier87   nebula that means of gas clouds these clouds are gathor around  and helps to make a star mass and density helps give a particular shape to the star. at the ending stage of a star will goes to supernova or hypernova explosions.from this explosions the blackholes are formed,if the star mass has a 100 times g...